I promised myself at the beginning of 2020 that I would do more personal projects. I also promised myself this is 2019, 2018, 2017, etc... See the pattern? But this year I was determined! I took a lighting class and wanted to try out some of my new skills. Learning lighting and continuing education as a photographer is so stinking important. The catch is you can learn all you want, but if you don't practice it and apply it in real life then its pretty much a waste. So, I asked my cousin Jeff if he'd be up to helping me practice. (Poor guy, I'm not sure if he knew what he was getting into!) Thanks so much again Lieutenant Hardy! Here are a few of my favorites from his session!

Also, take a peek at one the BEST assistants I've ever worked with. Seriously, this girl moved my light and was one of the biggest helpers! Thanks again Noelle! You. Are. Awesome!